How was this made with CiviCRM?

Introduction #

This page contains videos that explain how the setup was done for the Student Support videos. It assumes you are familiar with Drupal 9 and CiviCRM. If you are neither, the videos may be difficult to follow. The videos showing functionality from the user perspective may be your best option for now.

We do not claim to show you the best or only solution for the required functionality in the videos. There are likely to be plenty of other options available to achieve the same goals, and probably even better ones. The videos intend to give an impression how different requirements can be achieved through the use of CiviCRM and other tools.

Modules and Extensions #

Basic or default CiviCRM was used mostly for this use case.

Drupal Modules:

CiviCRM Extensions

Webform for Student Intake #

The webform was created to make it quick, easy and straightforward for the coordinator to add data to CiviCRM and assign students to project workers. The form was built with Drupal webforms and Webform CiviCRM modules. The video shows some CiviCRM related functionality.

Activity Types #

A number of activity types were created for the project workers to fit their day-to-day work. The order in which they appear is also set up in the video.

Custom Fields #

A number of custom fields were created on the student record, including fieldsets on tabs and on the contact summary.

Contact Summary #

The look of the contact summary and the contact record as a whole, can be changed, mostly with the CiviCRM extension Contact Summary Layout. Its functionality is shown in this video.

Message Template #

Student reports are printed for review by the board of this organisation. They are printed from the student record. The template used is created from the Administer, Communications, Message Templates option. The video shows how this was set up.

Dataprocessors tokens and students #

The dataprocessor extension is used in this use case to create the “My students” view and to create the two calculated fields “Time spent” and “Nr. of Contact Moments” for the student report and tokens for those fields. The video shows how they were set up.

Roles and Permissions #

Making sure that users are able to do what they need to do but will not be bothered with data they don’ t need for their work usually takes some time to work out and usually evolves through time.

Though it takes a bit of time to get your head round permissions in Drupal / CiviCRM, once you do, it is quite straightforward but does involve a lot of thinking. User organisations that have set this up, usually indicate and advise others to take time, like one or two years. Start with a basic permissioning system and build or refine from there.